March 2020
16th March 2020
With COVID-19 (Coronavirus) being at the forefront of people’s minds, MTS would like to provide you with an update and some information regarding the company’s stance on the situation.
Firstly, MTS intends to adopt a ‘business as usual’ approach, however, given the government’s advice and the ever-changing status of measures to restrict the spread of COVID-19, MTS and its workforce are adopting the following measures.
- Where possible, limit non-essential meetings with each other and people from outside the company. For business related meetings, use digital technology and teleconference as a means to communicate.
- Pay attention to your own personal hygiene, in particular, ensure that you thoroughly wash your hands regularly throughout the day as well as after using the bathroom, prior to using any common items in the kitchens and laboratory and before eating. Avoid using each other’s phones, computers, keyboards and desk items.
- Exercise the use of PPE, sanitising equipment and physical separation.
- Maintain good hydration by drinking clean, fresh water throughout the day using only your own personal water bottle.
- Defer all non-essential visitors and contractors from our sites.
- Defer all international and interstate travel until further notice.
There is no timeline on these measures, however, we hope that the sooner Australia can contain and slow the transmission of COVID-19 the sooner our workplace and community can return to normal.
If you are displaying symptoms that are associated with COVID-19 such as runny nose, sore throat, cough, fever or difficulty breathing (severe cases), you should self-isolate and seek professional medical advice. Do not come to work.
Information about self-assessment for your risk of COVID-19 can be found on the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) website:
At present COVID-19 has not affected the supply of any of our testing services. Based on the measures mentioned above, MTS is confident our high service level will be maintained. Should this situation change we will communicate this to affected clients.
This is an evolving situation and we will endeavor to keep you updated as new information comes to hand. In the meantime, please continue to look out for each other. We thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Rod Wilkie – Managing Director
October 2019
Do you need your Access Covers and Grates tested for compliance with AS 3996-2019? MTS is NATA Accredited to conduct testing and issue Certification of your products in accordance with this new Australian Standard.
August 2019
MTS gains NATA Accreditation for AS/NZS 5131 Appendix G Testing
Slip Properties of Fixtures and Components; Prepared Metallic Specimens.
July 2019
MTS gains NATA Accreditation for BS EN 14651 Testing
We can now offer NATA Accredited Testing Services in the area of Evaluation of Geotechnical and Civil Construction Material – Concrete, Grout and Mortar properties, Flexural Performance of Steel Fibre Reinforced Concrete in accordance with BS EN 14651.
June 2019
MTS Celebrates its 20 Year Anniversary
With a combined Employee, Client, Supplier and Business Associate Function, MTS recognised Rod and Leanne Wilkie and all its employees for their efforts in making MTS what it is today.